
Dogs and Allergies to wild Rabbits !

  Rabbit Allergies in Dogs  can occur due to various factors related to rabbits. Let’s explore this further: Allergies to Rabbit Meat : Some dogs may develop allergies to the proteins found in rabbit meat. These allergies are relatively uncommon but can cause symptoms such as skin reactions (itching, redness, hair loss), chronic ear infections, coughing, diarrhea, vomiting, and more. Interestingly, about  60-70% of immune cells in dogs reside within their digestive system . Improperly digested proteins can trigger allergic reactions. If your dog lives or has close contact with rabbits, they might also develop an allergy to rabbit dander. Treatment involves managing symptoms and avoiding exposure to rabbit proteins. Contact and Environmental Allergies : Dogs can also develop allergies to rabbit fur, dander, urine, or saliva. Dander and saliva are common culprits for rabbit contact allergies, especially in households with both dogs and rabbits. Symptoms include skin reactions, such as it

Urogenital System: Bladder Stones, Canine Urethral Obstruction

   Provided to you by: Atlas of Veterinary Clinical Anatomy Normal Bladder Normal Urethra Abnormal

Urogenital System: Acute Renal Failure, Chronic renal Failure

   Provided to you by: Atlas of Veterinary Clinical Anatomy Normal Abnormal

Urogenital System: Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease

  Provided to you by: Atlas of Veterinary Clinical Anatomy Normal Urinary Tract  Another common cause is when females sit too close to the litter due to arthritis or other mobility issues, the unclean litter or residue of the litter (due to product composition) goes on their vulva which can lead to a UTI as well. Changing the litter type or cleaning it more often can lead to a reduction in UTI reoccurrences. If the litter has been ruled out its time to change their diet. 

Urogenital System: Female System: Ovariohysterectomy (Spaying), Pyometra,

  Provided to you by: Atlas of Veterinary Clinical Anatomy Normal  Abnormal 

Urogenital System: Male System: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Testicular Tumors

  Provided to you by: Atlas of Veterinary Clinical Anatomy Normal Male Testes Normal Prostate Gland Abnormal

Special Senses: Hearing Apparatus= Otitis Externa, Media, and Interna

Provided to you by: Atlas of Veterinary Clinical Anatomy Normal  Abnormal