Assessing Your Pet at Home

 Urine Colour Check: Super easy to check during winter on the snow. A little harder in the summer but if you place a pee pad underneath or near the area he /she will pee  you may get a good idea of how things are as well as how hydrated your pet is. 

Feces Check: It can give you an idea of how well your pet's stomach is able to digest the food, treat, or table scrap that you, may have given. 

Level 2  is perfect normal stool, that is what you should look for. 

If its more on the side of  Level 3 then keep an eye on it make sure it is not getting softer. Decrease the amount or times you give the food, treat, or table scrap. 

Poop Colour Wheel: 

Healthy Muscle Mass

Take into Consideration age can also affect muscle mass as well as conditions such as Osteoporosis or Arthritis

Dogs (Bigger View: Muscle-Condition-Score-Chart-for-Dogs.pdf (

CATS (Bigger View: Muscle condition score chart-01.jpg (

Healthy Weight? Do a Body Condition Score 

DOG (Bigger View: Body-Condition-Score-Dog.pdf (

CAT (Bigger View: Body-Condition-Score-cat-updated-August-2020.pdf (


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