Inviting your New Adopted pet

 Welcoming a puppy or a kitten as a new member of the household is an exciting time, but is an intentional decision that comes with some planning. Do you know the Five Freedoms for Animals? It is a great start to seeing if a home is ready to welcome a new addition to the family.

Anyone planning to adopt a pet? 
Be it a puppy, Kitten, Bunny, reptile, Avian, rodent, even a fish as a new member of the household
 is an exciting time, but keep in mind that it is in fact an intentional decision. You are personally choosing to put that extra work, and responsibility on yourself. Therefore before the big adoption day there should be must be some planning as well as self education. 

A good start is knowing the Five Freedoms for any Living Creature:
Like having a baby you must prepare your home for its arrival and permanent stay:


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