
Showing posts from May, 2023

Nutrition Gestation and Lactation

 Nutrition is important before breeding, poor nutrition could result in low birth weight or increased risk of neonatal mortality as well as health issues for the puppies as they grow.  Pregnancy Nutritional Requirements:  Towards the end of the gestation period and during lactation the nutritional requirement is similar to what a puppy will require.  Period to begin transition to a high quality, highly digestible  growth diet should be during the last 3- 4 weeks of gestation.  - Large breeds growth diets do not have enough calcium or fat or provide enough energy.  - Dogs have most weight gain during the last 3-4 weeks of gestation.  Offering small frequent meals is the method of choice for dogs, fresh water should be available at all times Life Stage Nutritional Requirement  MMI Recommendation  Gestation and Lactation  Protein: 22-35 g  Fat: 10-25 g   Crude Fiber: 5 g  max Energy 3.5-5.0 ME  Calcium: 0.75-1.7 mg , Phosphorus 0.6-1.3mg , Sodium 0.35-0.6 mg , Chloride 0.5-0.9 mg , Potass

Canine Theriogenology and Neonatal Care

  PUBERTY  The age of a when a female dog is considered a  bitch (non spayed female) and not a baby anymore is 8 months. However puberty varies by breed and size from 7 - 18 months of age, let me repeat this puberty varies by breed and size!!. On the smaller end 15 months (1 year of age) is probably safest.  Bitch should not be bred during her first estrus; although she is sexually mature anatomically she is not fit for pregnancy. Let me repeat this her body size is not fit to carry the work of pregnancy.  Estrous Cycle (female dog fertility)  Phases of Estrous Cycle Phase 1= Proestrus lasts 9 - 10 days what does it cause: Hemorrhagic valvular discharge, vulva is swollen, male will be attracted, but she will refuse mating.  Microscopically: Non cornified squamous epithelial cells predominate in vaginal mucosa.  Phase 2 = Estrus Cycle see "What is Estrus" Phase 3 = Diestrus  Period following mating, whelping can be predicated from day 1 of diestrus. Microscopically: Abrupt

Five Steps Towards Improving Nutritional Plans
