Canine Theriogenology and Neonatal Care



The age of a when a female dog is considered a  bitch (non spayed female) and not a baby anymore is 8 months. However puberty varies by breed and size from 7 - 18 months of age, let me repeat this puberty varies by breed and size!!. On the smaller end 15 months (1 year of age) is probably safest. 

Bitch should not be bred during her first estrus; although she is sexually mature anatomically she is not fit for pregnancy. Let me repeat this her body size is not fit to carry the work of pregnancy. 

Estrous Cycle (female dog fertility) 

Phases of Estrous Cycle

Phase 1= Proestrus lasts 9 - 10 days what does it cause: Hemorrhagic valvular discharge, vulva is swollen, male will be attracted, but she will refuse mating. 

Microscopically: Non cornified squamous epithelial cells predominate in vaginal mucosa. 

Phase 2 = Estrus Cycle see "What is Estrus"

Phase 3= Diestrus 

Period following mating, whelping can be predicated from day 1 of diestrus.

Microscopically: Abrupt decrease in the number of cornified epithelial cells 

Phase 4 and 5= Metestrus (4)and  Anestrus (5)

Occurs in unmated bitches. Microscopically: by approximately the 10th day after estrus all epithelial cells in the vaginal mucosa are non cornified. The female will be no longer receptive to the male. 

It is very difficult to differentiate between anestrus and metestrus cytologically. 

What is Estrus? 

- Fertility window. It occurs twice per year. There will be clear serous discharge, and microscopically there will be cornified squamous epithelial cells in vaginal mucosa. 

- Usually lasts about 9 days. Ovulation occurs 2-4 days after beginning of estrus. 

- Signs: Clear serous discharge, receptive to male 

- Ovulation is 24 - 48 hours after the LH surge 

- No breeding should be done at their first estrus experience. 

Pregnancy Diagnosis:

-  Lateral abdominal radiographs: As early as 43  days gestation. The only reliable method to determine size, number, and position of pups in utero. Fetal skeletal elements are present 21-42 day post breeding. 

-Transabdominal Ultrasound, Ultrasound: 24-28 days post breeding 

-Abdominal palpation: 3-4 weeks post breeding 

- Hormone essay (Checking for pregnancy hormone Relaxin): 28 - 30 day post ovulation, commercial kits are available at your vets to determine pregnancy. When using this method it is helpful to know the date of the first day of diestrus to estimate the due date or length of gestation. 

- Pseudopregnancy /fake pregnancy is common in the bitch. 

9 Ways to help her deliver: 

1. Indoor. Keep her inside and safe during the last week or so of her pregnancy. 

2. Make a Maternity ward.  A corner of her favorite  room or den  would be perfect, make sure the area is free of drafts and comfortably warm and dry. Most dogs like to have a place to call their own during the whelping and nursing. You can section off a part of the room or you can buy or make a box designated for her to go in, you can also place a kiddie swimming pool inside the house for her to use as her "whelping box." The area should giver her enough space to stretch out with adequate room left over for the pups, in addition one side should be lower so mom can go in and out but high enough for the pups to not get out. 

3. Make it comfortable. Cover the bottom with several layers of newspaper, the add several layers of clean towels. This will help keep the puppies warm while also absorb the moisture and help keep them dry. Once the pups are born change the bedding whenever it gets dirty/ soiled. 

4. Silence. Dogs need silence and privacy like humans. She is not going to want to be where there is a lot of noise or disturbances. 

5. Help her move in. About one or two weeks before the due date your pet should start getting used to her delivery ward. Putting your pets favorite blanket or toy inside will make it seem more familiar and comfortable. Even so you may need to place her in the area or whelping spot the first time for encouragement. Don't be surprised if she goes out or jumps out, when the time comes she will probably go straight to that area. 

6. Be prepared. Anywhere from 6- 24 hours  before giving birth your pet may begin pacing, panting, or shivering . Often she will walk around nervously digging at the floor or carpet looking for a place to nest, during this time all you can do is stay calm and comfort her if she wants it.  If it seems like she has chosen to give birth in a place other then the designated area, encourage her to take refuse in her maternity ward . If she insists that spot then move the maternity ward near that area and help her in. If she refuses to use the maternity ward or setup just put down some clean towels wherever she happens to be. step back and let her do her thing. The last thing you want to do is put her in a place that she doesn't like as it could delay her whelping stage which is dangerous for the pups. 

7. Change of Plans. Despite your best efforts, you may need to help. If the puppy has come out only halfway out you may need to assist her. Have someone hold your pets head in case she goes to bite out of fear, then gently grasp the puppy with a clean towel and pull firmly. If the puppy does not slide out quickly and easily - call your vet immediately. If she doesn't remove the amniotic sac within 30 seconds you will have to do it for her: 

 8. NO CAMERA. Bight lights and things in their face could upset the whole process. If your pet doesn't mind you can capture the moment from a few feet away . It is important to keep quiet and give her space. If your pet is trying to get away from you or you feel like your presence is distracting her and give her more privacy and space. 

9. HANDS- OFF POLICY. Trying to help when it is not needed can result in all sorts of complications . Especially first time mothers will have dramatic yowls during delivery, some give birth in squatting position, and many will eat the placenta this is normal. 

Gestation and Stages of Parturition: 

Average: 58 - 68 days after conception. 63 days after is the average. 

Signs: Zonary placentation, drop in body temperature to less then 98. 6 Fahrenheit (3 degrees Celsius), appetite markedly increases and her activity levels start to decline. 

Milk: 12 - 24 hours before whelping milk can normally be expressed. The production of colostrum lasts up to 3 days post-parturition.

Parturition stages: 

Stage 1: Time - 6-12 hours; can last up to 36  hours. starts the onset of uterine contractions and finishes when the cervix is completely dilated 

signs: Restlessness, with nesting behaviour, nervous anorexia, may occasionally vomit, decrease in body temperature. 

Stage 2: Time- 20- 60 min per pup. Starts with full dilation of the cervix and ends with expulsion of fetus . Total delivery period may last from a few hours to 24- 36 hours. It should take no longer 2 hours between the delivery of each pup.

When each pup is passed, the chorioallantoic membrane ruptures  or the bitch removes the membrane by chewing or licking it away. Bitch must also removes the amniotic membrane., which the pup will likely still have at birth. 

Stage 3: The expulsion of the pup and is completed by the passing of the placenta. Placenta is usually passed 5-15 minutes after the birth of the pup. 

Litter Size  

Average small breeds: 1- 4

Average larger breeds: 8- 12 

Neonatal care 

- Temperature 100 to 102 Fahrenheit (38 -39 degrees Celsius). 

- Pulse: 120-150 bpm (beats per minute) 

- Respiration 25 - 50 breaths per minute 

Suckling should start by 3 hours after whelping to receive optimum amount of colostrum. Newborns can take 10 - 20 ml/ feeding depending on breed. Puppies are unable to keep themselves warm for the first 6 days. 

Eyes open between 5- 14 days of age and the external ear canals open 1-2 days later. Puppies should gain 2-4 g/day/kg of expected adult weight. 

After each feeding the bitch stimulates the puppies to urinate and defecate and cleans each puppy. 

By 18 days puppies will be exploring their environment and mother will be guiding their curiosity. They will also be getting to know their litter mates. 

They should be encouraged to consume solid food by the time mom's milk production starts to slow down. In the case of being bottle fed 3 - 4 weeks of age solid food can be introduced.  


- If your pet passes a dark green fluid before delivering it is a sign that the pups lifeline has become separated sooner then it was suppose to. 

- She has been straining too hard without delivering for more then 1 hour. The puppy is too large or in the wrong position to come out without assistance. 

- She seems week, nervous or restless more than half an hour after the labor stops. She could still have  a puppy inside. 

- Her muscles start trembling days or weeks after giving birth, or she begins vomiting or having trouble standing up. She could have eclampsia a dangerous deficiency of calcium that sometimes occurs after birth. 


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